I am Anna-Klara, a nature loving Kundalini Yoga teacher and a political scientist who live in Skellefteå with my husband and three children. Skellefteå, once a slumbering small town is really busy at the moment with lots of people moving in from all over the world. The shifting energy and everything that is going on is exciting but sometimes overwhelming. We all need to take a break to recharge from time to time.
I created the Yoga Retreats in our mountain farmhouse to offer women a hideaway to disconnect from all the buzz and to reconnecting to themselves, each other and to the natural world. Although I am local, born and raised in this region, I choose to host the retreats in English since I believe it to be important that newly arrived women mix and blend with local women to form a joint community. It is my intention that the yoga retreats will nurture individual well-being as well as encourage women as a group to step forward, take up space, and to contribute to more balance in the broader fabric of society. I host the women Yoga Retreats together with various friends. If you are interested in a co-lab, please reach out!
Our other concept, Three Peaks in Three days, which is open to mixed groups I co-host with my husband Johan, who is a an adventure loving photographer and documentary filmmaker.
We are both looking forward to meet you in a yoga room or on a mountain top one day!
Follow your light!